The LambdaBoyo Hub's Return: Coming Back Home

"It's been a long time, now I'm coming back home."
-The Beatles, "Wait"
    Those of you with astute vision may remember back in January when I said I would be doing only shorter form blog posts from now on - evidently such plans did not materialize, and I've effectively disappeared from posting blogs for the better part of a year. In hindsight, a part of me doesn't regret it, as it allowed me to properly cool off from the fatigue of keeping up writing day after day. I had just begun University, and in the time since my last update I have transferred to a University an hour away, grown up more, and had my priorities move and shift under my feet. One thing that has never changed, however, is my hunger for music, my love of discovering new music, and my passion for hearing new music. Such things were a constant, even as I found myself, and my world, changing.
    For a while, I planned on never coming back; for a while, I planned on closing the blog; for a while, I thought I'd just stick to my usual Instagram and RateYourMusic shenanigans. As I'm sure you can tell, that while has passed, and the desire to return to longform writing has only gotten stronger and stronger. Individual projects I found myself embarked on have not yielded any fruits themselves, but it seems that the tree I've planted with this blog has remained, in some form, strong and mighty, even without me being here to give it the water it needs. To give it the love it needs.

    Such days are over. While I can't tell you that my schedule will be daily, or if I'll even have a schedule at all, what I can tell you is that I am back. So are the long reviews. I hope you're all just as interested to keep reading what I spew out now as you were in 2022 or 2023, and I hope you'll remain interested evermore.
Eat a peach.


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